Saturday 27 February 2016

The big twenty-one.

Today is my birthday!

So, I thought I'd update my blog since I'm not really doing anything special, after all, it's the only day where you're forced to face the fact that you'll soon be entering the boring, grey world of adulthood. Yay.

All bad jokes aside, I did want to use this blog as a means to express my gratitude for this amazing year that has gone by incredibly fast. This has indeed been the best year of my life, so far. Something I insist on emphasising. This year has been such a rare experience, as well as one that has taught me so much. Literally. I've tested the waters of adulthood, and I guess it isn't so bad. Although, I must admit, sometimes I just want to cry and be back at home, but other days I wish this experience would never come to an end. (Sorry mum and dad)

Having tasted the life of travelling, I am hooked. I am expecting so much from the future, and am definitely going to take up any opportunities that arise. I have already planned so much, and cannot wait to take advantage of my years to come.

So that was my little birthday blog- and finally, happy birthday to me.


Sunday 24 January 2016

Back to reality.

Wow, this time it really has been a long time since I’ve posted a blog up. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel guilty. It’s been bothering me for ages; I just kept pushing it back. My aim was to write one up once a month, but I guess things don’t always go according to plan. Especially when it comes to me.

So obviously much has been done since my last blog, and I guess I do excuse myself for not having posted one up for such a long time, holiday season can take the blame. I flew back to London and spent three weeks at home, but damn, I really cannot even put into words how quick the time went. Too fast. I actually managed to fit in quite a few interesting things- thing’s we Londoners take for granted and don’t bother doing. Something we should truly reconsider.

Now I’m back in my temporary home of Quebec City, of which of course I do enjoy, but this time around I’m finding it much harder to get back into routine than the first semester. I guess it’s the fact that so many of the friends I had made have mostly all left, and I’m left here feeling rather lonely. The modules that were open to me at university this semester were so limited, and let’s just say my level of motivation is already so low. Also, having enjoyed my time in London so much, I just miss it already. Ha! I do realise how much of a whiny baby I may suddenly come across as- that I should really be appreciating my opportunities, blah blah. But my blog is basically an open diary, so I figured why not free at least a tiny percentage of my thoughts. Oh, and everybody who knows me well, knows I complain a lot. Awful, I know.

I only have a few months left in this country, to which I have to enjoy each and every moment. Activities tend to start around February here, so I mean there will be plenty to do. Oh, and about Canadian winter, it’s not as bad as they say. Really really. But then again, this is the nicest winter in a long time, so lucky me I guess!


Watched Cats at the theatre

View from the Shard

Finally went to Winter wonderland

Some of London

Oxford street just gets busier every year...

Lunch at the Aquashard restaurant

Monday 30 November 2015

Winter blues.

Encore une fois, ca fait dont ben long-temps!

This month has been quite tough and I’ve been feeling home sick à plusieurs reprises. I’m assuming it’s just because it’s the last day of November, and the holidays are just around the corner, meaning home time. Let’s not forget it is indeed the very first time I’ve been away for such a long time, and by away I mean 3,100 miles away.

Before jetting off abroad, the study abroad office did warn us about this roller coaster of emotions. The sudden euphoria once we arrived, then the feeling of nostalgia, and finally a more stable feeling. I’m probably on the emotional part of the roller coaster. Fantastic.

Classes aren’t going amazingly well either. The two educational systems are completely opposite to one another, so I mean it’s difficult to suddenly change habits that have been engraved within me. Also, my brain cannot seem to be accepting the fact that I am here to study, and not for a holiday. Although to be completely truthful, that is kind of how I’ve been living. Motivation also seems to have taken it’s own holiday. Zero of that these days.

I don’t want to bore you with complaints, but clearly that's the direction this blog is taking. I do think it’s normal to miss my life, yes, quite depressing. I absolutely enjoy living out so much, and if I had the money, I could definitely see myself living out in London. It's just being so far away, and alone gets to me. But, the blog helps, I guess you could call it a modern day diary. My flatmates are also definitely are a big reason as to why I do not stay curled up in bed 24/7, and even if I decide I can't go on with the day, they’re always here. Definitely appreciative!

Exams seem to be never ending here. My finals are this week and the next, so not really excited. I feel like I've just finished exams too. Clearly they don’t like the idea of breaks here.

Other than that, I have a few things lined up before I leave for the holidays. Can’t wait to show you all. For now, here are a few random things I’ve been up too.

Parlement de Québec, visited the inside on a trip
Here's the inside 
What we get up to on our Friday night
Red Bull Crashed Ice

I am so excited for Christmas in London, and of course even more excited to finally see some of my favourite people. If they haven't forgotten me of course.

Cannot believe it is almost 2016 too.


Saturday 14 November 2015


Hey guys! After another unexpected and prolonged break, I am back and ready to talk to you about the one and only, Toronto…
Now we’re talking.

 Before I start blabbering on, I’d prefer to let you all know that I fell in love with this beautiful city. In the twenty years of my existence, this is undoubtedly one of the best places I have visited. I have decided I really want to move there.

I do not usually fall in love so easily with the cities, as I am in one of which it is truly an impossible task to compete with. However, having said this, Toronto was nothing but a wonderful surprise. I was genuinely not expecting this city to offer so much and talk of this amazing city seemed to be lacking in all area’s. I think this was another important thing, because of this I had not set my expectations so high.
 I guess I should really stop doing that.

As I previously mentioned, my friend and I spent 5 days in Toronto- minus one as we went up to Niagara Falls- and this for me was not enough! Despite this, we pretty much made use of every single second we had, literally. Fair to say exhaustion does not seem to emphasise how we felt at the end of the week. But, we managed to fit in a whole lot in a short period of time.
The hockey hall of fame!

Downtown Toronto
The first day we were gifted with the presence of the sun, this made our day that much more agreable. I was taken aback at the various skyscrapers, I really was not expecting there to be so many. All so beautifully constructed too. We were in the heart of the city, but something about it was different. The streets were not compiled with- what sometimes feels like millions of people, making it indeed an unbearable chore to walk straight, nor were the neatly dressed professionals brushing past you angrily, constantly huffing and puffing. People were happy to help and incredibly nice! (I guess what they say about Canadians is true) The grey and depressing atmosphere was missing. I don’t know whether this is just because I felt like I was on a cloud of candy floss but I know I felt something!

I love the fact that the city does not overdo it, there seems to be an equal amount of everything. That is the other thing, there is literally a bit of everything for everyone. You have the city of course, the historical parts, the touristy places, food places, outdoor places, shopping and the beach (yes!!!). It is never-ending. There is no dominance in a certain area, and I love it!

Toronto Island, stricken by allure of this small island, and also shocked that people live here!

I think my favourite part of Toronto was definitely going up the CN Tower. It is indeed worth the pennies, or should I say monopoly money (!). We decided to go around 5pm and stayed till roughly 8pm. This allowed us to view the city in all its splendour in the daytime as well as at night. Simply beautiful.

The great CN Tower!
The given view in daylight 
As the sun is setting...
Finally, in the evening

I truly see myself settling there, the multicultural, modest, and accepting city seems to be only but a hopeful wish. Plus, the thought of having a Tim Horton’s at every corner makes me so happy. I do hope everyone has the opportunity to visit Toronto at least once, for it is worth it. I know I am definitely returning.

St Lawrence Market, a must when in Toronto!

Casa Loma, with the moon glowing right beside it
The Distillery Historic District at night... Spooky.